We consider ourselves stewards of this land and it’s inhabitants. We plant trees knowing we may not see them when they are fully grown. We honor the processes of the river, with it’s ever changing movement and seasonal flooding. We do our best to acquire the necessary knowledge and do the hard work to ensure this habitat and it’s inhabitants thrive.
This land is our recreational lot, our outdoor gym, our spiritual retreat into nature, our native plant gardening and nature scaping playground. We are honored to be the current care takers of this land and to live with all the plants and animals that call this place home.
Abi Ludwig
Abi completed the Thurston County Master Gardener Program in 2022, which required an Internship Project and was the impetus for starting this website. To further her knowledge on this riparian environment she participated in the following training and volunteer opportunities: Salmon Steward , Thurston County Stream Team; Community Emergency Response (CERT), Thurston Count; Volunteer Days with: OlyEcosystems, Capitol Land Trust, Nisqually Land Trust
She is also a member of the following local nature-based non-profits:
- Terra Forma, Board Member
- Artists with Ecology, Program Support
Her professional career is running the non-profit Rights of Nature Initiative, working to give legal standing to our vital ecosystems.
Carl Joe Mueller
Joe is the resident nature landscaper, woodworker and builder of all things on our land. Growing up on a river in Southern Oregon, Joe is most at home in the outdoors and has extensive experience and expertise in all things plants and animals. He manages the land by creating outdoor spaces that are visually appealing and ecologically responsible. He understands and lives by the nature of the seasons, the movement of the animals and has high standards for ensuring the protection of this natural environment.
Joe’s professional career is on the road vending his artisanal woodwares throughout the Pacific Northwest with Out of the Woodworks.